We were also able to replace the fridge and the solar generator I killed trying to fix a cord I couldn't find anywhere, but now we are in far better shape with redundancies for any future problems.
Along the way we were able to walk through a Riparian Park in Mesa and also Saguaro National Park by Tucson. Both were fantastic although only one let us walk with Chewy the dog so it wins by default. Saguaro has petroglyphs which almost beat Chewy, but not quite.
One of the many bunnies at the riparian park. |
I guess I spooked him. |
Scenes from the freeway between Phoenix and Tucson. |
Saguaro National Park
Petroglyphs. |
More petroglyphs. |
You guessed it. More petroglyphs. |
Our final visit led us to drive through Patagonia, Az. on our way to Sonoita, Az. to spend our last night in the US with friends before crossing into Mexico Friday. It's funny that we would visit Patagonia on our trip to Patagonia. True to all of our visits, the company, accomodations and the wine were great.
On Valentine's Day, we managed to enter Mexico without issue and secured our visas and our Temporary Import Permit (TIP) for the van. It was a little bit clunky process, but we breezed through it. We drove until just after noon and found ourselves at a wild campground in San Carlos, Mexico, where we will spend the night before heading further south tomorrow.
Enjoy the pictures and more soon....
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