Saturday, March 7, 2020

Three Ruins, One Weaving Town and A NAtural Wonder All in Under 74 Miles.

We reluctantly left our great campground near Oaxaca and headed to some ruins in the area.

The first was Dainzu where the caretaker had a young son which meant a soccer ball was in order. The ruin is smaller but well worth the short drive.

The second ruin was Yagul which required a little more effort as there was a mirador to head up to for a full view from above and the sun was a little higher in the sky making it hotter. It was great and another worthy stop.

Next up was Mitla which includes both an older ruin and a not as old church that had some crazy short passageways and was, again, worth the effort. We took a bad route from Google Maps which didn't know that exits no longer exited and decided it was time to stop at one of the bazillion mezcalerias to taste some Mezcal. We were on the Camino de Mezcal afterall.  After our sippage we headed back to Mitla for dinner which was not only inexpensive, but really good and elegantly plated.

The last stop for the day - and for the night - was Hierve el Agua which is described as a petrified waterfall which is limestone being eroded by mineral water that creates a spectacular formation. After a quiet night we hiked down and around the formations and were guided by a couple of local dogs who were happy to have someone to walk with.

Afterwards, we cleaned up and changed and planned to go to Salina Cruz, but the winds were high there and we headed back up the coast a couple of hours to Huatalco where we found a huge public beach parking area where we camped for 100 pesos or about $5 USD. We were quite hot as the low was in the mid seventies, but our morning beach walk included a beautiful sunrise and an ocean swim before showers - included in the price of camping - some fruit for breakfast and a stop for coffee on the way out.

We made our way after another visit to the high winds and heat to San Cristobal de Las Casas which was a fairly long day. Tonight we'll rest and tomorrow we will stroll the city and develop a plan for the next couple of days which will include crossing into Guatemala to begin the Central American part of our trip.

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